Sek Pau Mei?

The misadventures of the heart and sometimes, the stomach.

Midnight Supper Series: French Fries

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“What’s your favorite way to eat fries?” he asked.

Some days I like them hot and fresh out of the fryer. I like them when it’s way too hot to eat but still I would reach into that paper bag during that short drive home, impatient to get salt and grease on burnt fingertips. On days when my waistline doesn’t concern me, I would dip them into the cold, creamy swirls of a vanilla cone.

Some days I like them floppy. You know the forgotten ones? The ones tucked in between the creases of the paper bag- hidden gems that are delicious in their own right?

And don’t tell anyone this but sometimes, I make them floppy on purpose.

Why do you ask?

“I want to know all about your favorite things. And I thought I’d start with the simple ones first.

How do you take your tea?”


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